In Defense of the Comfort Zone

Unpopular opinion: The Comfort Zone gets a bad rap.

How many times have you been told by a teacher, parent, boss, or thought leader to…

“Push past your comfort zone! You’ll never get anywhere if you stay SAFE!”

As if safety and comfort should be avoided like that friend who’s always experimenting with a new natural deodorant.

(Eeek… I’ve been that friend. Can someone please invent an aluminum & baking soda free DO4BO that actually works?!)

Yes, it’s true that growth requires a degree of discomfort. It is ALSO true that comfort and safety are important, too.

I slapped on an extra coat of bold red lipstick 👄 (ironically getting out of my comfort zone) to film a quick rant about my love for the Comfort Zone.

It’s quick –– less than 7 minutes. Take a short stretch break, watch the video, then reply and tell me…

What’s one thing you’ll do this month to bring yourself comfort and joy? Comment below and let me know so I can cheer you on.



PS – See the full story of how Myles wrote her book in 5 months during the pandemic here.

PPS – Have a friend who could use more comfort? Share this blog post and spread the joy! 👯‍♀️

PPPS – This holiday season is especially tough for many folks. COVID pushes us past our comfort zone by default. Be gentle with yourself. I’m wishing you buckets and buckets of comfort and joy. 🎁

Renee Long4 Comments